When breathwork gets trippy!
The days are getting longer and I couldn't be more chipper about this fact .
I marked the day with a breathwork session in Wiltshire. A timely reminder that there really is no substitute for exploring the breath with a practitioner.
The simple experience of being held really does allow you to lean into the experience.
So what happened Rob?
Quite a lot of drama as it happens! This was an extremely physical session, with my breath carrying a language all of its own. You can hear me waffling about it here.
I was taken over by a primal breath pattern and found myself repeating this very odd cycle of hyper-ventilation.
It felt like a process of showing up, anchoring in the body, disengaging, leaving the session entirely and coming back again.
That familiar dance of strength & defiance Vs toxic shame --hello old friend.
This is what I call the misfit breath as it maps my early experiences of LGBT life in the 90s. "We're here! We're queer!...but oh shit - is it safe?"
The hyper-masculinised culture we grew up in really did leave a physical imprint. Yet still, after 10+ years of working with the breath, each session brings me back to the core of that outsider experience.
So can we ever move beyond this?
I've learned to stop asking this question, instead thinking of it as a collective wound carried by all of us, regardless of sexuality or gender identity.
Male suicide rates across the board don't lie and the simple fact is that no one benefits from this age-old view that femininity = weakness.
It's all just part of a gigantic unravelling and all we need to do is allow it to fall away using the only vehicle we have at our disposal...
The breath.
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