About Rob

Hey, I’m Rob
I’m here to help you own your story, connect with your life urge and give your wounded inner child a platform for expression.
I discovered the spirit of peaceful anarchy in 1992, through the writings of Aleister Crowley and a decade later, enjoyed the rare experience of training with Aboriginal elders in the Australian bush.
I then went on to study at Eagles Wing College of Contemporary Shamanism (2009-2011) and the College of Sound Healing (2011-2012), before embarking on a vision quest in the mountains of Snowdonia.
More recently, I grounded my approach through a study of breath & body awareness with the AIR School of Breathwork (2014-2022) and became a plant medicine practitioner with Ritual Cacao (2018). I also ditched the corporate ladder to provide support to victims of violent crime & terrorism across London, later moving to prisoner rehabilitation and homeless services.
A music geek to the extreme and child of the rave generation, I bring sound to my art with a love of gongs. I may have danced on stage with Grace Jones (twice, but who’s counting?), as well as being part of the London Loft sound system collective. Proud feminist and trans ally here, but not after a medal for either.
I’m available for one-to-one and group sessions, both online and in a cozy, North London gong room.
Free medicine wheel journey

About me
Always the dreamer, I was diagnosed with ADHD in adulthood. A search for integration propelled me into the Amazon jungle, where, under the watch of local shamans, I took part in a 10-day diet with the visionary plant medicine, Ayahuasca.
The experience taught me to view my perpetual distraction as a natural trauma response. Retreating inwards through dissociation, had become my inner child's safety valve. Always running, my outcast, teen-self found refuge in the countercultural fringes of rave. Fast-forward twenty years and the cracks began to show as I spiralled into a quagmire of self-doubt, eventually falling from the career ladder, in the cutthroat world of advertising.
The body speaks the mind, so eventually, this manifested in physical burnout, along with the rude awakening of a broken foot, torn bicep, serious hamstring injury and hernia from all the over exertion. Doctors cited (and I quote), "a lack of grounding ability in my supporting muscles".
Pushed to my emotional, mental and physical limits, I experienced a wake-up call that my inner child had been holding the answers all along. The adult in me just didn’t know how to listen, or that it was an option.
Our collective stories shape us and it’s here that we find the strength to ground our creativity.
—In my case, both metaphorically and physically! 💪
In the life of the universe, we’re only here for a flash and the planetary crisis we currently face is simply holding up a giant mirror.
Now, more than ever, it's time to face fears, find our purpose and get flashing!
I’m passionate about authenticity and (re)connecting people with their unique sense of power.
Life isn’t a new age bubble of hearts, flowers and happy-clappy disco re-edits. It’s the entire gamut of emotions and the secret is embracing flow, not attaching to states. Diving into the shadows can be fun too!
Shamanic practitioner…sound therapist…breathworker; I’ll answer to any of these, but fancy tools, techniques and modalities are unimportant. The key to a successful and rewarding client session lies in present moment awareness and the quality of space that’s being held.

Tailored packages to navigate the urban jungle
Coming soon!

My offerings
Rebirthing breathwork
Gong bathing
Shamanic journeying
Tarot reading

Urban Healer shenanigans over the years.
Jun ’20 Carers week Zoom ceremony Urban Healer / Not a care in the world
‘Breathe, relax, reset’ – tailored workshop for full time carers during the Lockdown period.
Jun ’20 Lockdown cacao ceremony Urban Healer
First in a series of Zoom cacao ceremonies.
May ’20 Lockdown art therapy Urban Healer
Hosted a life drawing workshop via Zoom.
Apr ’20 Lockdown shamanic journey Urban Healer
Hosted first online drum journey and sharing circle via Zoom.
Apr ’20 Lockdown art therapy Giovanna Musca
Art therapy workshop via Zoom with Giovanna Musca.
Mar ’20 – May ’20 Lockdown Cacao ceremonies Rebekah Shaman
3-month commitment to weekly, online cacao cermonies via Zoom, inc. 21 day cacao challenge.
Mar ’20 – May ’20 Lockdown Mysore Ashtanga practice Susan Bysh
3-month commitment to a 6x/pw Mysore style, Ashtanga yoga practice, in an online Zoom shala.
Feb ’20 Person Centred Support training Single Homeless Project (SHP)
2-day Person Centred Support training.
Jan ’20 Breathwork workshop Sweaty Betty / Flykick studios
Hosted a group breathe with Munira Van Der Zijl, in association with Sweaty Betty #selfcaresundays at Flykick Studios, Great Portland Street.
Dec ’19 Medicine Walk Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Sunrise tour of Siem Reap’s temple complex, including the world’s largest religious monument.
Dec ’19 Cacaoista conference Rebekah Shaman
Cacaoista reunion and professional development event.
Nov ’19 Supporting people who hear voices Hearing Voices Network
2-day mental health awareness training.
Sep ’19 Gong bath Dentsu X
Hosted two gong baths with Munira Van Der Zijl, for marketing agency, Dentsu X at Flykick Studios, Great Portland Street.
Aug ’19 Cacao church Rebekah Shaman
Rebekah Shaman book launch and first in the series of Central London cacao ceremonies.
Jun ’19 Wedding celebrant New Forest
Facilitated a wedding ceremony and drumming circle in a lake.
Jun ’19 Nature quest Leo Rutherford / Phil Greenwood
4-day nature quest in the Sussex Woodlands with Eagles Wing and Sacred Earth.
Feb ’19 – Mar ’19 28 day digital detox Catherine Price
“How to break up with your phone” – Strategies and tips to enable clients to create a healthier long-term relationship with devices.
Feb ’19 Urban nature quest Ruislip lido
12-hour nature quest and fast.
Feb ’19 Safeguarding adults training SHP
Safeguarding processes for engaging with vulnerable adults.
Feb ’19 Rebirther training assistance Avalon Institute of Rebirthing
Provided assistance on the week long ‘Sacred Path’ residential
Dec ’18 Domestic Abuse training SHP
2-day domestic abuse awareness training
Nov ’18 Cacao/gong ceremony . Flederhaus
The first in a monthly series of Urban Healer plant medicine workshops
Oct ’18 Sacred Cacaoista Apprenticeship Rebekah Shaman, Ibiza
7-day Ashaninka Cacao / plant medicine accreditation
Nov ’18 – present Homelessness prevention SHP/National Probation Service
Helping ex-offenders access and maintain a roof over their heads through council and private rented accommodation.
Jul ’18 Gong bath Flederhaus
Workshop leader – gong bath at the Flederhaus
Jul ’18 Gong bath Fetch
Hosted two gong baths for marketing agency, Fetch in Shoreditch
May ’18 Student oath A.’.A.’.
Student of the mysteries, also known as ‘scientific illuminism’
Apr ’18 – present Professional tarot diploma IICT
1 year professional tarot accreditation
May ’18 Cacao ceremony Rebekah Shaman
Cacao circle in Hampstead to mark the 6 month cycle of the ayahuasca integration process
Mar ’18 Full moon steam circle Clandestine Clouds
Workshop leader – gong bath for the full moon
Jan ‘18 Cacao ceremony – seeding the new year Rebekah Shaman
Cacao circle in Waterloo for clarity and guidance in 2018
Dec ‘17 Introduction to safeguarding children and adults NSPCC
Developing awareness and understanding of safeguarding children and adults at risk
Dec ‘17 Threshold guidance seminar Tower Hamlets Safeguarding Children Board
Overview of new Ofsted guidelines for adult/child social care departments
Nov ‘17 Medicine Walk Inca trail, Macchu Piccu
Four day ‘integration’ hike across Dead Woman’s Pass and a 15th-century Inca citadel situated on a mountain ridge
Nov ‘17 Ayahuasca retreat Rebekah Shaman
10-day Grandmother medicine retreat at the Chakra D’Alegria in the Peruvian Amazon
Jun ’17 British Rebirth Society meeting Doug Sawyer / Brigitte Martin-Powell
Strategic meeting to advance the breathwork modality and support established practitioners
May ’17 Kambo ceremony Andrew Mulquin
Workshop attendee – Kambo circle in Sutton
May ’17 Rebirthing breathwork retreat Doug Sawyer
Four one-to-one breathwork sessions and weekend residential
May ’17 Ayahuasca/San Pedro/rapé ceremony Jose Murillo
Hosted a two night plant ceremony working with Grandmother and Grandfather medicine
Mar ’17 Ayahuasca/rapé ceremony Jose Murillo
Two night plant ceremony working with Grandmother medicine
Feb ’17 Rebirther training assistance Avalon Institute of Rebirthing
Provided assistance on the week long ‘Sacred Love’ residential
Aug ’16 Skills to facilitate learning training Victim Support
Two day course providing techniques for group facilitation
May ’16 Rebirther training assistance Avalon Institute of Rebirthing
Provided assistance on the week long ‘Sacred Path’ residential
Nov ‘15 Situational leadership II training The Ken Blanchard Companies
Leadership training for management staff
Oct ‘15 Coaching skills training Victim Support
Victim Support training for management staff
Oct ‘15 Professional rebirther training Avalon Institute of Rebirthing
Week long residential for the ‘Sacred Love’ module of qualification
May ‘15 Professional rebirther training Avalon Institute of Rebirthing
Week long residential for the ‘Sacred Breath’ module of qualification
May ‘15 Tone of Life European Tour Don Conreaux
Concert at Holy Trinity Church with gong master, Don Conreaux, Tom Soltron and Abby delSol
Feb ‘15 Professional rebirther training Avalon Institute of Rebirthing
Week long residential for the ‘Sacred Path’ module of qualification
Nov ‘14 Major incident response training Victim Support
Victim Support training for core staff and volunteers
Oct ‘14 Mental health awareness Victim Support
Victim Support training for core staff and volunteers
Oct ‘14 Professional rebirther training Avalon Institute of Rebirthing
Week long residential for the ‘Sacred Life’ module of qualification
Sep ‘14 Safeguarding training Victim Support
Safeguarding adults, children and young people; Victim Support training for core staff and volunteers
Jun ‘14 Bereavement by homicide training Victim Support
Supporting people bereaved by murder, manslaughter and crime related road death; Victim Support training for core staff and volunteers
May ‘14 Trance dance ceremony Trance Dance Ceremony London
Workshop attendee – trance dance ceremony at Tripspace Projects
May ‘14 Children and young people training Victim Support
Skills for delivering direct interventions to children and young people; Victim Support training for core staff and volunteers
Apr ‘14 – May ‘14 Equality and diversity level 2 Central College, Nottingham
Home study NCFE certificate
Apr ‘14 Supporting victims of sexual violence Victim Support
Victim Support training for core staff and volunteers
Mar ‘14 Sweat Lodge Ceremony Eagle’s Wing College of Contemporary Shamanism
Workshop attendee – sweat lodge ceremony
Mar ‘14 Supporting victims of hate crime Victim Support
Victim Support training for core staff and volunteers
Feb ‘14 Core training Victim Support
Victim Support training for core staff and volunteers
Jan ‘14 – present Serious, Violent Crime Caseworker Victim Support
Providing emotional and practical support to victims of serious, violent crime (inc hate crime) in Tower Hamlets
Oct ‘13 Gong bath Lovespirit Festival 2013
Workshop leader – group gong bath
Aug ‘13 – Sep ‘13 Burning Man Black Rock City, Nevada desert
Fire ceremony and self sustaining community in the Nevada desert
Oct ‘12 Shamanic journeying The College of Sound Healing
Workshop leader – group drum journey
Sep ‘12 Gong bath ‘redreaming the feminine’ Lovespirit Festival 2012
Workshop leader – group gong bath
Sep ‘12 Sweat Lodge Ceremony Wind Spirit
Workshop attendee – sweat lodge and pipe ceremony
Aug ‘12 Vision Quest Westbury
Solitary 24-hour fast at Westbury White Horse
Jan ‘12 – Feb ‘12 Featherstone Castle Albion Faeries
Ten day residential exploring community with the radical faeries
Nov ‘11 – Oct ‘12 Gong practitioner training The College of Sound Healing
CMA-certified training programme in sound healing techniques
Nov ‘11 Animal imagery workshop Earth Encounters
Workshop attendee – journeying into the Personal Totem Pole Process
Aug ‘11 Vision quest Earth Encounters
Ten day wilderness retreat in Snowdonia, incorporating a solitary four day fast
Jul ‘11 Medicine Walk Avebury
Solitary 24-hour fast and 30-mile medicine walk to a sacred site at West Kennet Long Barrow
May ‘11 Firebird afro-shamanic trance dance Eagle’s Wing College of Contemporary Shamanism
Workshop attendee – residential trance dance weekend including sweat lodge
Nov ‘10 – Apr ‘11 Shamanic healing and soul retrieval Eagle’s Wing College of Contemporary Shamanism
Practitioner training and development in shamanic healing and soul retrieval
Oct ‘10 Introduction to tantra Tantra4gaymen
Workshop attendee – two day introduction to tantric practice
Sep ‘10 Drumming workshop Out of the Ordinary festival
Workshop attendee – ancient drumming ceremony with White Buffalo Woman
Jul ‘10 – Aug ‘10 Earth child Eagle’s Wing College of Contemporary Shamanism
Workshop attendee – transforming the wounded child into the magical child
Mar ‘10 – May ‘10 Life with Full Attention London Buddhist Centre
Eight week intensive course in Mindfulness
Jan ‘10 – Apr ‘10 The medicine wheel Eagle’s Wing College of Contemporary Shamanism
Practitioner training and development in Seven Directions Counselling and the Medicine Wheel
Nov ‘09 Reiki 2 Jacqueline Morriss – Reiki master teacher
Reiki 2 attunement and instruction in the second degree level of the Usui system of Reiki
Aug ‘09 Firebird afro-shamanic trance dance Eagle’s Wing College of Contemporary Shamanism
Workshop attendee – residential trance dance weekend including sweat lodge
Jun ‘09 – Oct ‘09 Cauldron of changes Eagle’s Wing College of Contemporary Shamanism
Practitioner training and development in creating and holding ceremonial spaces
May ‘09 Shaman’s approach to the debt crunch Eagle’s Wing College of Contemporary Shamanism
Workshop attendee – shamanic preparations for coming dislocations
May ‘07 Life is a gift Mind Body Spirit festival, London
Workshop attendee – talk by ‘Living Magically’ author, Gill Edwards
Jan ‘06 Reiki 1 Jacqueline Morriss – Reiki master teacher
Reiki 1 attunement and instruction in the basic level of the Usui system of Reiki
Apr ‘04 Aboriginal philosophy week Linga Longa Aboriginal Philosophy Farm
Five day retreat hosted by Australia’s leading indigenous philosophers and teachers
Jan ‘04 Ashtanga Yoga with Danny Paradise Golden Buddha Resort, Thailand
Fourteen day yoga retreat on the island of Koh Phra Thong, Thailand
Jun ‘03 Hot tub rebirth Henry House Hydrotherapy Pool – Worthing
Workshop attendee – rebirthing workshop
Apr ‘03 – Jun ‘03 A healing journey Personal development course – Brighton
Workshop attendee – ten week personal and spiritual development course for gay men
Sep ‘01 – Sep ‘03 Community safety worker Anti Victimisation Initiative, Brighton
Provided direct and indirect advocacy to LGBT victims of crime

Tarot readings for clarity in a crisis

Meet Fred
I live with a tiny panther. We wanted to name him Dracula to boost our goth credentials. Instead we got a Fred.
Fred’s a friendly little man and I’m his full time slave. I’m happy he came.
He says, “You should pop over to North London for a gong bath.”
—Actually, that’s a lie. He didn’t say this. I’m just projecting my marketing strategy onto a cat.
Fred also likes biscuits.
He did say this – but he probably shouldn’t have, because it’s unethical to solicit gifts from clients.
Bad Fred.
Fred is a sound therapist too. He purrs with a consistent pattern and frequency between 25 and 150 Hertz. Sound frequencies in this range improve bone density and promote healing.

DJ mix trilogy
Lovingly curated Balearic music for recovering beach slugs and freelance coffee junkies.
Over 12-hours / 150 tracks featuring Fred meow samples and some live gong sounds. 😎

Contact me
07810 267778
London, N15