Befriend yourself and own your story*

*without negative self-talk!

Serving misfits and outsiders in the urban jungle since 2009

Pssssst! Here’s the secret;


You aren’t broken and you don’t need fixing!

Jess Laurence - Author

“If you’re exploring your sense of self, stressed out or simply curious, a session with Rob can let the light in or allow you to explore the dark corners in a safe yet illuminating space.”

The misfit experience can be tough

Feeling misunderstood or gaslit by unconscious bias?



Lacking boundaries or falling prey to toxic relationships?


Dealing with a mental health diagnosis or the effects of stigma?


Spiralling at work or living someone else’s dream?


Caught in a loop of substance misuse or digital/sexual addiction?


Isolated and feeling ostracised from family and friends?

…or is something slightly off, yet you can’t work out how to feel BETTER?


Sometimes it can feel like our time is being hijacked by toxic tyrants, shitty jobs, naff politicians and phone alerts that serve anyone but us!

So how would it feel to ditch that imposter syndrome?

Speak your truth without shame and self-doubt

Attract relationships that celebrate you - unmasked

Dare to dream and forge a new career path

Feel nurtured by your chosen family





Release addictive behaviour patterns

Positively adapt to a changing world



Introducing the medicine wheel*

*An ancient self-development map

A mini-course for urban misfits

Map out the four directions

Bring your story into sharp focus

Propel yourself to the root cause of any issue, habit or trauma

Then illuminate the path towards positive change

Oli Mason - Film Director

”Every session has given me an altered and beneficial perspective. These have ranged from purely relaxational sessions, through to actively addressing certain problems.”

Here’s what’s waiting for you inside

4 Hours of content


4 45-min, guided journeys


15+ Workbooks


25 Exercises & rituals


Lifetime access to a valuable resource

Read the workbooks and complete the preparation exercises.

Dive into each direction with a 40-minute guided journey.

Reflect on any insights using the worksheets provided.

A unique opportunity to sample a wide range of healing modalities

Numerous breathwork styles



Guided visualisation

Shamanic journeying & remote viewing

Internal family systems or parts therapy


Automatic writing


Sound healing


Part 1 - About this series


What is a medicine wheel?


Explore the lineage


Understanding symbolism



  • Mindset wheel

  • Automatic writing

  • Life review

Part 2 - Water

The inner child

Journey to a beach


Merge with the ocean


Dialogue with your child self



  • Conscious, connected breathing or rebirthing

  • Guided visualisation

  • Shamanic journeying

Part 3 - Earth

Meeting death

Connect with the body


Witness your energetic ties


Return to the Earth



  • Yoga nidra

  • Death lodge and soul release ceremony

  • Lower world journey

Part 4 - Air

Relationship healing

Activate your trigger points


Go beyond the rational mind


Improve your relationships



  • Gamma breathing

  • Internal family systems or parts therapy

  • Upper world journey

Part 5 - Fire

Time travel

Explore your creative drives


Surrender to an altered state


Meet your future self



  • Energetic, fire breathing

  • Wim Hof-style breath holds

  • Remote viewing into the future

BONUS part 6 - Round-up rituals

Bringing it all together

Calling in the directions


Fundamentals of holding space


Building a medicine wheel



  • Hollow bone

  • Circle casting

  • Medicine wheel wisdom

By the end of this series

You'll be able to construct your own medicine wheel.

A lifetime skill for your toolkit, which can be used anytime, anywhere.


It's the perfect foundation for creating and holding ritual spaces for yourself and others!


Kay McMahon - Content Strategist

”I felt a lot of love for my immediate family in these sessions. I feel centred, calm and excited for the future, which is apparently part of a journey that I chose to be on!””

So dive on in!

Original price - £99.99

This month only:

Introduction to the Medicine Wheel
One time
For 2 months

Complete your life review using this ancient map of the cosmos and learn how to create and hold ceremonial spaces.

✓ 4 hours of video content
✓ 4 45-min, guided journeys
✓ 15+ workbooks
✓ 29 exercises and rituals
✓ Lifetime access to a valuable resource

👋 Meet Rob 👋

If we've not met, my name is Rob Calcutt and I'm a shamanic practitioner of 15 years, breath geek, tarot card slinger & cat mother (Fred since you asked). 🐈‍⬛

I work with misfits and outsiders in the urban jungle, both online and in a cozy, North London gong room.

In short, I’m here to help you own your story, connect with your life urge and give your wounded inner child a platform for expression.

I’ve worked with urban misfits from a huge range of genders, sexual orientations, backgrounds & faiths.

Over and over, I’ve heard stories of not feeling good enough, stemming from some kind of formative trauma.

Some didn’t even realise they carried this stuff, until delving into their story.


Do you ever feel like something’s a bit out of balance, but aren’t sure where to begin? I can relate!

❓ Why this / why now ❓

I put together these offerings for anyone living with the blanket residue of outsider syndrome.


Moments of belonging and clarity, where we tap into something bigger, can be huge.


Once we allow these parts of ourselves to take root, we can begin a fresh period of self-assured growth.


Put simply: If every client came to me having already visited these parts of themselves, things would flow so much easier!

Jess Laurence - Author

“If you’re exploring your sense of self, stressed out or simply curious, a session with Rob can let the light in or allow you to explore the dark corners in a safe yet illuminating space.”

🫁 Take a breath 🫁

The hardest part of all is showing up

Slowing down will give you headspace



Think of your brain like gridlocked traffic


New habits pave fresh neural pathways!


This isn’t for you if

  • I get it. If this chimes for you then progress slowly and keep it simple.

    If relaxation is the goal, stay within your comfort zone and try not to prescribe an outcome.

    A degree of fear and trepidation is healthy as it signifies the commitment you’ve made to yourself. Like excitement, boredom and sleep, fear can be a useful gateway to access the good stuff! Sometimes we need to move through these gateways to shift habits that don’t serve and subconsciously drive our life choices.

    Unfortunately, there’s no shortcut and none of us are exempt, but living a heart-centred existence needn’t necessitate a ‘growth through struggle’ approach. Let go of the need to validate a session through the level of drama and suffering. Sometimes the process can be ecstatic!

  • Being at the mercy of the world around us can be a buzz kill. Contrary to what modern, new age forms of spirituality might have us believe (*cough* ‘The Secret’ - Rhonda Byrne), humans are most definitely NOT at the centre of existence. Neither are any of us comparatively special or chosen. The universe is much bigger than us mortals and isn’t going to bend itself to suit our every career, car, house, holiday or whim.

    On the upside, there’s the 80/20 law:

    “80% of energy is programmed to repeat itself habitually and 20% is available to free will, choice, accident and spontaneous happening.” says my good friend, Leo Rutherford (Eagles Wing College of Contemporary Shamanism). “Therefore old patterns will keep on trying to re-assert themselves until a sufficient amount of work is done to retrain the other 80%.”

    So whilst you can’t “life is abundant” yourself into a Porsche, you can work on the processing engine that perceives ‘lack’ in a clapped out Fiesta from the inside-out, effectively changing the mirror.

    Naturally, this takes time - but this ancient map may help you find context. :)

  • These teachings are intended as a gentle introduction to a frankly huge topic. I’ve tailored this to an audience of urban misfits, through my own interpretations, so you won’t find this elsewhere.

    My hope is that it will prompt some further study for newbies, or act as a refresher for the established practitioners among you.

    in reality, practitioner training takes years to complete (a decade in my case) and cannot be substituted with an online course.

    There is a LOT here however and it’s a great place to start!

⚠️ Good news alert! ⚠️

The work is done when you make the decision to show up.


All you need to do is let go and trust the process - moment-to-moment.



I’ll provide the tools, but YOU are the medicine!


Your untapped inner-child has a message for you.

Lean in for a listen and you might be surprised!

Frequently asked questions

  • An ancient map for the urban jungle!

    The medicine wheel is a symbol of nature’s balance and harmony.

    Think of it as an ancient psychology map, that can propel you towards the root cause of any issue, habit or trauma and illuminate the direction towards regaining power.

    By revealing the interconnectedness of all things, it encourages us to seek equilibrium within ourselves, for the purpose of promoting and sustaining the wider community.

    Representing a holistic understanding of the universe, it incorporates the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) and elements (earth, air, fire, water).

    The central fulcrum of the wheel is the battery, or creative spark.

    -The no-thing place from which all things emerged!

    Then there’s the duality of above and below, totalling seven. The dream of the creator in manifestation.

    -Life experiencing itself!

  • The south of the wheel (water) represents the child within, and the importance of trust, innocence, play and honouring emotional flow. Blockages create build up and stagnation, the dam breaks and tears fall. What’s moving in you?

    The west (earth) reflects our physicality and mortality. The only certainty in life is change and daring to look within gives us an understanding of how we manifest our daily lives and hold our emotions in our body. Are your feet firmly on the ground?

    The north (air) rides the breath, bringing us into the present and allowing us to respond from a place of calmness, truth and integrity. This is our primal instinct that knows its own experience and can cut through the bullshit contained in secondhand truths and beliefs. Breathe in a fresh perspective!

    The east (fire) is an expression of our spirit, vital energy, individuality and life force expressed through our passions. This is where we realise our unique power and limitless ability to transform. Stoke the fire in your belly!

    We undertake this journey for ourselves and all our relations. Mitakuye Oyasin (Lakota Sioux prayer – “all are related”).

  • Not everyone has the resources to work 1-2-1 with a practitioner, so I’ve made this online offering as affordable as I can.

    If paying upfront is a challenge, I offer a payment plan over two months. This way you can get going without putting too much strain on your bank balance.

    Plus, for a limited time, I’m offering this course at an introductory price. This will increase very soon, so get in quick.

    Please contact me in confidence if you’re a member of the trans community experiencing financial hardship.

  • These are my very own reflections of teachings I received many moons ago.

    I disappeared off the map for about six months putting this together and the workbooks and journeys were all written and conceived by myself.

    I hope you like them. :)

    Here’s what’s waiting for you inside:

    • 4-hours of content

    • 4 45-min journeys

    • 15+ workbooks

    • 25 exercises and rituals

  • You’ll have lifetime access, so go at your own speed and take as long as you wish.

    Serious seekers may wish to go on a deep-dive and tackle one direction/element per week.

    If you’re short of time however, park the exercises and head straight to the journey content.

    These are 45-minutes each in length, because in my experience, it generally takes this long to reach a Theta brainwave state where you can calm the active mind, access the heart space and carry out some deep, transformative work.

    The beauty of these is that you can attempt them over and over and they’ll throw up different insights every time!

  • The keys to success are in the transition from a recreational approach to a devotional one.

    This requires hardcore dedication and an unbroken commitment to becoming your deepest truth. An integration process isn’t something you can compartmentalise and engage in when it feels convenient, and I can’t do it for you.

    Setting a clear intention is important. A lack of focus or tiredness can leave your session scattered. Group work and the act of sharing your experience can also increase its potency.

    When we end a session, subtleties can often get lost or go unnoticed so head on over to the reflections workbooks to record any insights to keep a session alive.

    Modern medicine places an emphasis on prolonging life or finding a ‘cure’. Complementary therapies however, are geared towards improving the quality of life, but this isn’t to suggest that the two concepts can’t work together. Working in this way doesn’t promise a destination, but more a template for an ongoing inner journey towards complete emotional assimilation, which gradually leads us beyond the manifestation of these outer experiences.

  • Trust the process, complete your journey around the wheel and find out what’s on the other side.

    If relaxation is the goal, you may wish for me to keep things simple, but above all, stay within your comfort zone and try not to prescribe an outcome.

    A degree of fear and trepidation is healthy as it signifies the commitment you’ve made to yourself. Like excitement, boredom and sleep, fear can be a useful gateway to access the good stuff! Sometimes we need to move through these gateways to shift habits that don’t serve and subconsciously drive our life choices.

    Unfortunately, there’s no shortcut and none of us are exempt, but living a heart-centred existence needn’t necessitate a ‘growth through struggle’ approach. Let go of the need to validate a session through the level of drama and suffering. Sometimes the process can be ecstatic!

  • The word Shaman, or “Saman”, comes from the Evenk tribal lineage; covering South Eastern Siberia, Northern China and Russia.

    It means: to heat up, or get excited/frenzied; a bit like the boiling of water.

    In the Western world, we’re not part of a traditional, shamanic lineage.

    Despite this, the word, shamanic is frequently misused. Normally as a casual adjective, arbitrarily tagged onto anything new-age and spiritual.

    As medicine wheels go, there are many. The tradition I practice came from Leo Rutherford via Hyemeyohsts Storm and Harley SwiftDeer Reagan. It's said to be of Mayan origin and is the first (perhaps the only?) time indigenous teachings have surfaced in such a complete form.

    It’s important to note that many of the references in this course, including breathwork, yoga nidra, sound healing, internal family systems and tarot are not traditional shamanic concepts.

    🜃 🜄 🜁 🜂 The elemental symbols I use can also be traced back to ancient Greece, later adapted by the medieval and Renaissance periods - so again, not shamanic in origin.

    There are also a million ways to meet and dialogue with the four directions. The lessons are designed to flex your intuitive muscle so you can feel into these places and seek our your own references in order to develop an internal vocabulary that’s meaningful to you.

Oli Mason - Film Director

”Every session has given me an altered and beneficial perspective. These have ranged from purely relaxational sessions, through to actively addressing certain problems.”

Here’s that offer again

Original price - £99.99

This month only:

Introduction to the Medicine Wheel
One time
For 2 months

Complete your life review using this ancient map of the cosmos and learn how to create and hold ceremonial spaces.

✓ 4 hours of video content
✓ 4 45-min, guided journeys
✓ 15+ workbooks
✓ 29 exercises and rituals
✓ Lifetime access to a valuable resource