"How on Earth did you get into this Rob?"

-- I get asked this question a LOT.

Blowing the lid off your childhood experience takes a little more than a weekend workshop or online certification...so there's no short answer I'm afraid. 

Yet, strangely, 30-years into my studies, I've never really shared any of the details. 

Earlier this week, I did a one-take-wonder on Instagram, detailing the life of a practitioner in ten-mins. 


 Caffeine fuelled and unrehearsed with lo-fi production values, but it did the job.

So rewind if you will, to the summer of '92. 

This was the tail end of the analogue era with all its peaceful anarchy, cassette trading and phone boxes.  Rave had just exploded and I spent most of those days trawling record shops and obsessing over bootleg mix tapes in my room, which was plastered with flyers in an explosion of fractal psychedelia.

I'd also hang out in the 'Mind, Body, Spirit' section of dusty bookshops, pawing over all the archaic, occult literature. 

The self-help boom, with all its bland positiva, hadn't really taken off yet. Corporate wellness also wasn't a thing and if you uttered the word meditation, you were branded a "f***ing hippy"

Fast forward a few decades via the Australian outback, three colleges, six years of formal study, ten years of practice, a vision quest and Amazonian purge and here we are! 

You can also download my free e-book 'Five stress-busting tips for urban misfits' here.


Virtual trip to the Amazon?


Just wow - what a week eh?